Thursday, January 10, 2013

I'm so jealous

I see so many bloggers not writing for a week or two and coming back with a post about how they are going through writers block or bloggers block.I'm so jealous of them. Why am i not having writer's block? Is it 'cos my posts are more like Facebook statuses or tweets that can't really be called a post and hence can't call myself a writer/blogger and so can't have a writers/bloggers block? Oh my god. I feel so left out.

Last night i decided to just not post anything for a week. Come back and write a post on how bad my bloggers block is and how terrible I'm feeling.I loved my idea about fake bloggers block. Jealousy and left out feeling disappeared and was feeling better.

But the minute i switched on my laptop, logged in to Bloggers and clicked on "Create new post" and started typing this post. Even my stupid plan to have a fake writer's block didn't work. Should've seen this coming 'cos none of my plans have ever worked. Even the good ones. So obviously the stupid ones don't even stand a chance.

And yes, jealousy is back.


  1. Hahaha..Kavyaaaaaa

    I honestly love all those bloggers who dont write super long posts. I can never read them completely, no doubt they are good but they are just soooo long.

    Thats why I dont write too long posts too (OKay, I can't write long posts, I might just sleep half way :P )

    1. ha ha.. :-) Don't think i can ever write a long post.. my knowledge of words and sentences are not good enough for that.. :-)

      And yes, i would prefer reading short posts..

      Thanks for reading Ritika.!!

  2. Happens to me all the time. But I just can't do anything. I can't create a Bloggers' Block. So, I just write and keep writing.

    1. Yeaa.. Guess that's better.. I'll wait for my real blogger's block.. :-)

  3. You should feel happy and proud of urself that you dont feel the so called writer's block! You just write freely about your thoughts every day, however random it might be. And thats really cool according to me.. :)
