Monday, May 27, 2013

Tomorrow will be better

No matter how many times and how long you order yourself on being strong, you break down and lose hope in everything. Now, this Hope is a very strange thing that I've tried to understand, failed quite a few times and stopped thinking about it. You lose it one minute and the next you are filled with Hope. It makes you go crazy. Makes you cry and smile.

Past few days have been so tiring physically and emotionally, I've been very distracted and not been able to do the thing i love the most. Writing. Not that I've ever been great at it. Who cares about it anyways? Writing was my way of expressing happiness, anger, jealousy and almost every other feeling. I kinda let go of writing and blog somewhere. But not gonna lose it for everything. No matter what end of the day, its mine. It defines me.

Only thing that's making me feel better is saying "Tomorrow is going to be better" before going to sleep.


  1. You said it yourself kavya, that there is always a better tomorrow.. the most fascinating thing of life is that it's so transient. No one can hold on to his favorite thing in the world forever and no one can remain stuck in misery forever either (except some really unlucky poor souls i would say..). If this was not the case, the world would have been called unfair. I don't know what you are going through right now but if you can call it a short term pain, you know it will end very soon.. Sorry for the gyan, i have been reading many philosophical and spiritual books since childhood. thats why may be ;) Keep blogging, share your happiest moments. I liked your post on your grandmom the most.. :)

    1. I need all the gyan in the world right now Arnab.. So thanks a lot.. :)

    2. Haha! I hope you had a better yesterday.. :)

  2. Oh yes indeed all tomorrows are better for one reason that you get to live another day :) in the kingdom of Almighty where He has given us ample. Just go to sleep with the feeling that you are so lucky that He has given you so many things in life which more than half the world even in 2013 cannot think about and when you wake up remidn yourself that now that He has given you so much in ample.. how ill you spread it around... ? If nothing .. spread the most precious and yet the FREE FREE FREE thing and that is love .. coz the more you use God's resources He has given you, wisely , the more will He pack you up with them and more ! :)

    Enough gyan .. now good night :) Its not been too many days since I know your blog but somehow I love reading whatever you got to say because everything is right from the heart ! :) God Bless!

    1. Reading your comment did make me feel a lot better. Thanks a lot.. :)

  3. Kavya, we need to go one step further and think today is better than tomorrow. Tomorrow is future and living in future is also painful. I believe in making the best of TODAY and hope you always have a good day.
