Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Crazy Stupid : I guess its Me

This post might sound so stupid that you might never ever read my blog. But i have to write this. Please understand.

There is a one weird person at work. Must be of the age forty. Its freaking me so much. I see this person everywhere. Have seen him standing at a corner of cafeteria and looking at people with a crazy dumb expression on his face. This expression is like those we see in the movies when the silent crazy killer gives you a spooky dumb smile just before killing. When i go to the pantry to get green tea, i see this person looking out of the window and never once turning around. Past two days I've not seen him with anyone. He's alone all the time. When i go for a walk. I see him walking around too. 

I feel stupid even writing this. Imagine if he thinks I'm the crazy killer type girl who is looking at him all the time. But trust me. I'm not following him or anything.

Maybe he's just looking at the new doughnut stall and smiling to himself trying to decide which one to buy. And looking out of the window (serious expression) trying to decide between popcorn and corn. And just like me, going for a fifteen minute walk every evening to lose the extra fat.

Now, i would like to mention that my family and friends have always told me about how I'm too good at assuming things. But am i so good to assume all this and worry about it for hours together and not even think the sole reason behind me being in office?

Yeah, I am that good.


  1. Probably, you have a 40phobia :). People in Knowledge World would be engrossed in lot of multi-tasking and thinking that it may look weird for others :)

    1. 40phobia??? :-) ha ha.. Thanks for reading..

      Looking forward to read your posts.. :-)

  2. May be now I am going to read your every post after reading this one . Something interesting and unexpected might come anytime . LOL

    Travel India

  3. Lol! you were right, this post is stupid :P but funny!! :) We like to assume things in different ways....keep assuming!

  4. Hahaha..Kavyaaaa, you never know :P :P
    So stay away from this guy ;) ;)

    1. Hey Ritika.. I am trying my best to stay away from him now.. :-) He's scared me enough.. :-)

      Thanks for reading..!!!

  5. ha ha ha..killer.. if that person read this blog, probably he will be as scared from you as you are from him..
    ok, show me this person in office whenever he is around

    1. Amit.. You might've seen him.. He was in the cafeteria on doughnut day..
